SSC-JE Mains 2024 Online Classes ( Mechanical )

SSC-JE : Go From Beginners to Expert

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SSC-JE Mains 2024 Online Classes ( Mechanical )
What you'll learn
  • Include Conventional Online Classes + Online Test Series + Study Material for Students.
  • Complete Coverage of Syllabus as per latest Examination pattern and trend.
  • Get 150+ Video Lectures of  Online Classes Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH APP.
  • SSC JE Mains Course will be valid for 180 Days from the Date of Enrolment .
Course Content
play video Chapter 1: Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 2: Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 3: Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 4: -Properties of Fluids
play video Chapter 5: -Pressure and its Measurements, Buoyancy And Flotation
play video Chapter 6: -Fluid Kinematics, Fluid Dynamics
play video Chapter 7: -Dimensional Analysis
play video Chapter 8: -Pipe Flow
play video Chapter 9: - Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 10: - Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 11: - Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 1: -Introduction
play video Chapter 2: -Stress-Strain , Properties of Material , Elastic Constants
play video Chapter 3: -Centroid & MOI , Bending Stress in Beam
play video Chapter 4: -Torsion In Shaft
play video Chapter 5: -SFD & BMD
play video Chapter 1: - Force Analysis & Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
play video Chapter 2: -Friction
play video Chapter 1: -Basic Concepts & 1st law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 2: -Second Low of Thermodynamics & Entropy
play video Chapter 3: -Pure Substance
play video Chapter 1: -Air Standard Cycles
play video Chapter 2: -I.C Engine Combustion
play video Chapter 3: - Performance Parameters
play video Chapter 4: - Lubrication and cooling system
play video Chapter 1: Basic and Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Vapour Compression Refrigeration System (VC Cycle)
play video Chapter 3: Air Refrigeration System
play video Chapter 1: -Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 2: -Rankine Cycle
play video Chapter 3: -Steam Turbine & Nozzle
play video Chapter 4: -Boiler
play video Chapter 1: Mechanism & Machines
play video Chapter 2: Gear & Gear Trains
play video Chapter 3: Flywheel
play video Chapter 4: Governor
play video Chapter 5: Cam and Follower Mechanism
play video Chapter 1: Belts & Pulley
play video Chapter 2: Bearings
play video Chapter 3: Clutches
play video Chapter 4: Riveted Joint
play video Chapter 1: Crystal Structure
play video Chapter 2: Crystal Imperfection
play video Chapter 3: Phase & Phase Diagrams
play video Chapter 4: Heat Treatment Process
play video Chapter 5: Miscellaneous concepts
About Course
  • Go from ZERO to HERO Through 24*7 Access of Online Video lectures & Test Series .
  • Get Complete Access of SSC JE Mains Video Lectures of Technical subjects Anytime from Anywhere.
  • Get Subject-Wise E-Notes PDF along with Video lectures from your Dashboard.
  • Get Free Online Test Series and Workbook PDF for Practice of your Exams.
  • This Course will be valid for 180 days or 365 days from the Date of Enrolment, along with which you can access free DEMO Lectures available on Portal.