UPPCL-JE (Trainee) Online Classes

UP-AE/JE : Go From Beginners to Expert

It includes Technical and Non Technical Online Classes
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UPPCL-JE (Trainee) Online Classes
What you'll learn
  • Include Tech/Non-Tech Online Classes + Online Test Series + Study Material for Students.
  • Complete Coverage of Syllabus as per latest Examination pattern and trend.
  • Get 400+ Video Lectures of Online Classes Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH APP.
  • This Course will be valid for 180 Days from the Date of Enrolment .
Course Content
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: PMMC Type Instrument
play video Chapter 3: EDM Type Instrument
play video Chapter 4: M.I Type Instrument
play video Chapter 5: Energy And Power Measurement
play video Chapter 6: Energy Meter
play video Chapter 7: Rectifier Type Instrument
play video Chapter 8: Electrostatic Type Instrument
play video Chapter 9: CRO
play video Chapter 10: AC Bridge
play video Chapter 11: Measurement Of Resistance
play video Chapter 12: Transducer
play video Chapter 13: Instrument Transformer
play video Chapter 14: Error Analysis
play video Chapter 15: Unit And Dimension
play video Chapter 16: Miscellaneous
play video Chapter 1: Basic of Electric Circuit Theory
play video Chapter 2: Concept of Super Mesh & Super Nodal
play video Chapter 3: Network Theorem
play video Chapter 4: A.C Circuit
play video Chapter 5: Resonance
play video Chapter 6: Two Port Network
play video Chapter 7: Transient Analysis
play video Chapter 8: Magnetically Coupled Circuit
play video Chapter 9: Graph Theory
play video Chapter 1: Basic Principal Of Electrical Machine And Transformer
play video Chapter 2: Three Phase Induction Machine
play video Chapter 3: Single Phase Motors
play video Chapter 4: Synchronous Machine
play video Chapter 5: DC Mchine
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Power System & Generation of Electrical Energy
play video Chapter 2: Economics and operating factor
play video Chapter 3: Mechanical design of overhead lines / Tariff /Power improvement
play video Chapter 4: Transmission Line Parameters.
play video Chapter 5: Underground cable
play video Chapter 6: Fault Analysis
play video Chapter 7: Distribution system
play video Chapter 8: Switch gear and protection
play video Chapter 9: miscellaneous
play video Chapter 10: WORK BOOK
play video Chapter 1: Semiconductor Physics
play video Chapter 2: Semiconductor Diode & Application
play video Chapter 3: Transistor
play video Chapter 4: FET & MOSFET
play video Chapter 5: Oscillator
play video Chapter 6: Small Signal & large signal Amplifier and feedback amplifier
play video Chapter 7: Rectifier
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Power Semiconductor Device
play video Chapter 3: Converter
play video Chapter 4: Chopper
play video Chapter 5: Cycloconverter
play video Chapter 6: AC Voltage Regulator
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Control System
play video Chapter 2: Block Diagram Reduction Technique
play video Chapter 3: Signal Flow Graph
play video Chapter 4: Time Response Analysis
play video Chapter 5: Stability
play video Chapter 6: Root Locus Technique
play video Chapter 7: Frequency Response Analysis
play video Chapter 8: Bode Plot
play video Chapter 9: Polar Plot
play video Chapter 10: Nyquist Plot
play video Chapter 11: miscellaneous Topics
play video Chapter 1: illumination
play video Chapter 2: Source of light
play video Chapter 3: Electrolysis
play video Chapter 4: Cell and Battery
play video Chapter 5: Electric Traction
play video Chapter 6: Electric Heating
play video Chapter 1: Estimation & Costing
play video Chapter 2: Work Book
play video Chapter 1: Basic Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Arc Welding Processes
play video Chapter 3: Resistance Welding Processes
play video Chapter 4: Chemical Welding Processes
play video Chapter 5: Soldering & Brazing
play video Chapter 6: Welding Defects
play video Chapter 1: Logic Gate
play video Chapter 2: Combinational
play video Chapter 3: Sequential
play video Chapter 4: Number system
play video Chapter 1: Chapter-1 (Introduction)
play video Chapter 2: Chapter-2 (Architecture of 8085)
play video Chapter 3: Chapter-3 (Instruction Set & Data Formats)
play video Chapter 4: Chapter-4 (Interrupts)
play video Chapter 5: Chapter-5 (Interfacing )
play video Chapter 1: Electrostatics
play video Chapter 2: Magnetostatics
play video Chapter 3: maxwell Equations
play video Chapter 4: Electromagnetic Wave
play video Chapter 5: Incidence of EM Wave
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Classification of signals
play video Chapter 3: Different operation of signals
play video Chapter 4: Classification of systems
play video Chapter 5: Fourier Series
play video Chapter 6: Transforms in Signal & Systems
play video Chapter 7: miscellaneous
play video Chapter 1: Amplitude Modulation
play video Chapter 2: Frequency Modulation
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Polarization
play video Chapter 3: Dielectric loss
play video Chapter 1: CALENDAR
play video Chapter 2: CLOCK
play video Chapter 3: INTLECTUAL-OPERATION
play video Chapter 4: MATHEMATICAL-TEST
play video Chapter 5: DIRECTION TEST
play video Chapter 6: RANKING TEST
play video Chapter 7: SITTING-ARRANGEMENT
play video Chapter 8: CUBE & DICE
play video Chapter 9: ALPHABET-TEST
play video Chapter 11: CODING-DECODING
play video Chapter 12: CLASSIFICATION
play video Chapter 13: ANALOGY-TEST
play video Chapter 14: SERIES
play video Chapter 15: BLOOD RELATION
play video Chapter 16: MISCELLANEOUS QUESTION
play video Chapter 17: SEQUENTIAL ORDER
play video Chapter 18: COMPLETE THE DIAGRAM
play video Chapter 19: DIAGRAM MAKING
play video Chapter 20: MIRROR AND WATER IMAGE
play video Chapter 21: ANALOGY FIGURE
play video Chapter 22: CLASSIFICATION DIAGRAM
play video Chapter 23: COUNTING THE FIGURE
play video Chapter 24: PAPER CUTTING AND FOLDING
play video Chapter 25: LOGICAL VENN DIAGRAM
play video Chapter 26: SYLLOGISM
play video Chapter 1: Introduction (परिचय)
play video Chapter 2: Joining (संधि)
play video Chapter 3: Compound (समास)
play video Chapter 4: Prefixes (उपसर्ग)
play video Chapter 5: Suffixes (प्रत्यय)
play video Chapter 6: Synonyms (समानार्थी शब्द)
play video Chapter 7: Antonyms (विलोम शब्द)
play video Chapter 8: Single Word of a Group of Word (शब्द के समूह का एकल शब्द)
play video Chapter 9: Word Combination (शब्द संयोजन)
play video Chapter 10: Spelling-Correction (वर्तनी सुधार)
play video Chapter 11: Sentence Correction (वाक्य-सुधार)
play video Chapter 1: Nutrition (Biology) पोषण
play video Chapter 2: Blood Circulation System (Biology) रक्त परिसंचरण प्रणाली
play video Chapter 3: Glands (Biology) ग्रंथियों
play video Chapter 4: Vitamins (Biology) विटामिन
play video Chapter 5: Respiration system (Biology) श्वसन प्रणाली
play video Chapter 6: Cells (Biology) कोशिकाएँ
play video Chapter 7: Nervous system (Biology) तंत्रिका तंत्र
play video Chapter 8: Genetics (Biology) आनुवंशिकी
play video Chapter 9: Excretion System (उत्सर्जन तंत्र)
play video Chapter 10: Human Diseases (Biology) मानव रोग
play video Chapter 11: Skeletal System (Biology) कंकाल तंत्र
play video Chapter 12: Human Reproduction System (Biology) मानव प्रजनन प्रणाली
play video Chapter 13: Botany (Biology) वनस्पति विज्ञान
play video Chapter 14: Law of Motion (Physics) गति का नियम
play video Chapter 15: Force (Physics) बल
play video Chapter 16: Nuclear Reactions (Physics) परमाणु प्रतिक्रियाएं
play video Chapter 17: Electricity (Physics) विद्युत
play video Chapter 18: Properties of Matter (Physics)
play video Chapter 19: Optics (Physics)
play video Chapter 20: Sound & Waves (Physics)
play video Chapter 21: Elements (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 22: Compounds (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 23: Periodic Table (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 24: Acid & Base (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 25: Cement, Soap & Polymer (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 1: Basic Introduction of India (भारत का परिचय)
play video Chapter 2: Physical Structure of India (भारत की भौतिक संरचना)
play video Chapter 3: Drainage System in India (भारत में ड्रेनेज सिस्टम)
play video Chapter 4: Climate of India (भारत की जलवायु)
play video Chapter 5: Mineral Resources in India (भारत में खनिज संसाधन)
play video Chapter 6: Soil of India (भारत की मिट्टी)
play video Chapter 7: National Highway (राष्ट्रीय हाइवे)
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Economics (अर्थशास्त्र का परिचय)
play video Chapter 2: Economic Planning (आर्थिक योजना)
play video Chapter 3: Poverty (गरीबी)
play video Chapter 4: Unemployment (बेरोजगारी)
play video Chapter 5: Budget (बजट)
play video Chapter 6: Indian Banking System (भारतीय बैंकिंग प्रणाली)
play video Chapter 7: National Income (राष्ट्रीय आय)
play video Chapter 8: Census (जनगणना)
play video Chapter 9: Agriculture (कृषि)
play video Chapter 10: Human Development Index (मानव विकास सूची)
play video Chapter 1: Constitutional Development (संवैधानिक विकास)
play video Chapter 2: Making of Indian Constitution (भारतीय संविधान का निर्माण)
play video Chapter 3: Features of Indian Constitution (भारतीय संविधान की विशेषताएं)
play video Chapter 4: Preamble of Constitution (संविधान की प्रस्तावना)
play video Chapter 5: Fundamental of Rights (मौलिक अधिकार)
play video Chapter 6: Directive principles (निर्देशक सिद्धांत)
play video Chapter 7: Fundamental Duties (मौलिक कर्तव्य)
play video Chapter 8: President (राष्ट्रपति)
play video Chapter 9: Vice President (उप राष्ट्रपति)
play video Chapter 10: Prime Minister (प्रधान मंत्री)
play video Chapter 11: Minister Council (मंत्री परिषद)
play video Chapter 12: Attorney General (महान्यायवादी)
play video Chapter 13: Parliament (संसद)
play video Chapter 14: Supreme Court (उच्चतम न्यायालय)
play video Chapter 15: Panchayati raj (पंचायती राज)
play video Chapter 16: CAG Inter State Council & FC
play video Chapter 17: SC, ST & OBC Commission
play video Chapter 18: NHRC & Central Information Commission (NHRC और केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग)
play video Chapter 19: Election Commission (चुनाव आयोग)
play video Chapter 20: Women Commission & NITI Aayog (महिला आयोग और नीति आयोग)
play video Chapter 21: Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) & Lokpal (केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयोग (CVC) और लोकपाल)
play video Chapter 1: Modern Indian History (आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास)
play video Chapter 2: Ancient Indian History (प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास)
play video Chapter 3: Medieval Indian History (मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास)


ZONE TECH CLASSES, (India’s Best Institute for Preparation of AE & JE and Other Competitive Examinations) is always at the forefront to impart quality education to the students. In order to help the students, Crack SSC-JE Mains examination we have come up with an online course for SSC-JE Paper 1 and Paper 2 under our e-learning initiative ZONE TECH DIGITAL CLASSES which is focused on providing quality Online learning to the aspirants and has become most preferred online platform for the preparation of various competitive exams.