RPSC Vice Principal (Mechanical) Online Course

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RPSC Vice Principal (Mechanical) Online Course
What you'll learn
  • Include RPSC VP / I.T.I. Mechanical Online Classes & Study Material for Students.
  • Complete Coverage of Syllabus as per latest Examination pattern and trend.
  • Get 400+ Video Lectures of Online Classes Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH APP.
  • Online Video Lectures will be login on ZONE TECH Digital APP
Course Content
play video Chapter 1: Properties of Fluids
play video Chapter 2: Pressure and its Measurements
play video Chapter 3: Buoyancy And Flotation
play video Chapter 4: Fluid Kinematics
play video Chapter 5: Fluid Dynamics
play video Chapter 6: Dimensional Analysis
play video Chapter 7: Pipe Flow
play video Chapter 8: Laminar Flow
play video Chapter 9: Boundary Layer Theory
play video Chapter 10: Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 11: Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 12: Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 13: -Properties of Fluids
play video Chapter 14: -Pressure and its Measurements, Buoyancy And Flotation
play video Chapter 15: -Fluid Kinematics, Fluid Dynamics
play video Chapter 16: -Dimensional Analysis
play video Chapter 17: -Pipe Flow
play video Chapter 18: - Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 19: - Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 20: - Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 1: Stress and Strain
play video Chapter 2: Stress- Strain : Introduction
play video Chapter 3: Poissons Ratio : Introduction
play video Chapter 4: properties of Material
play video Chapter 5: Elastic Constants : Introduction
play video Chapter 6: Elastic Constants
play video Chapter 7: Centroid & Moment of Inertia
play video Chapter 8: Principal Stresses & Planes :Intro
play video Chapter 9: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 10: Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram
play video Chapter 11: Bending Stress & Shear Stress in Beam
play video Chapter 12: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 13: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 14: Torsion in shaft
play video Chapter 15: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 16: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 17: Principal Stress and Strain
play video Chapter 18: Deflection of Beam
play video Chapter 19: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 20: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 21: Thin Cylinder and Spherical Shells
play video Chapter 22: Column & Struts
play video Chapter 23: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 24: Theories of Failure
play video Chapter 25: Spring
play video Chapter 26: Strain Energy Method
play video Chapter 27: -Introduction
play video Chapter 28: -Stress-Strain , Properties of Material , Elastic Constants
play video Chapter 29: -Centroid & MOI , Bending Stress in Beam
play video Chapter 30: -Torsion In Shaft
play video Chapter 31: -SFD & BMD
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Force Analysis
play video Chapter 3: Moment Analysis
play video Chapter 4: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
play video Chapter 5: Plane Truss and Frames
play video Chapter 6: Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia
play video Chapter 7: Friction
play video Chapter 8: miscellaneous Topics
play video Chapter 9: - Force Analysis & Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
play video Chapter 10: -Friction
play video Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 2: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 3: Energy Interaction
play video Chapter 4: First Law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 5: Second Low of Thermodynamics & Entropy
play video Chapter 6: Available and Unavailable Energy
play video Chapter 7: Pure Substance
play video Chapter 8: Thermodynamic Relations
play video Chapter 9: -Basic Concepts & 1st law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 10: -Second Low of Thermodynamics & Entropy
play video Chapter 11: -Pure Substance
play video Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION OF I.C.ENGINE
play video Chapter 2: Air Standard Cycles
play video Chapter 3: Working of I.C. Engine & Engine Performance Parameters
play video Chapter 4: Comparison of 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke Engine
play video Chapter 5: Comparison of SI and CI Engine
play video Chapter 6: Difference between theoretical and Actual P-V Diagram
play video Chapter 7: Difference between theoretical and Actual Valve Timing Diagram
play video Chapter 8: Testing of I.C Engine
play video Chapter 9: Combustion in SI Engine
play video Chapter 10: Combustion in CI Engine
play video Chapter 11: Air Pollution Firing Order, Supercharging, Diesel Fuel Injection
play video Chapter 12: -Air Standard Cycles
play video Chapter 13: -I.C Engine Combustion
play video Chapter 14: - Performance Parameters
play video Chapter 15: - Lubrication and cooling system
play video Chapter 16: Air-Fuel Supply System and Fuel Used
play video Chapter 17: Cooling System & Coolants & Properties
play video Chapter 18: Lubrication System & Lubricant & Properties
play video Chapter 19: Ignition System & System Equipment
play video Chapter 20: MPFI & CRDI System
play video Chapter 21: SI & CI Engine Combustion Chambers
play video Chapter 22: Emission Standards of BS 1,2,3,4 & 6
play video Chapter 1: Basic and Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Vapour Compression Refrigeration System (VC Cycle)
play video Chapter 3: Air Refrigeration System
play video Chapter 4: Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
play video Chapter 5: Refrigerents
play video Chapter 6: Air Conditioning
play video Chapter 7: Refrigerating Equipments
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Regeneration in Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 3: Reheating and Intercooling in Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 4: Rankine Cycle
play video Chapter 5: Nozzle
play video Chapter 6: Steam Turbine
play video Chapter 7: Boiler
play video Chapter 8: -Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 9: -Rankine Cycle
play video Chapter 10: -Steam Turbine & Nozzle
play video Chapter 11: -Boiler
play video Chapter 1: Mechanism & Machines
play video Chapter 2: Velocity & Accleration Analysis
play video Chapter 3: Gear & Gear Trains
play video Chapter 4: Single Slider Crank Chain Kinematic & Dynamic Analysis and Flywheel
play video Chapter 5: Flywheel
play video Chapter 6: Governor
play video Chapter 7: Balancing
play video Chapter 8: Cam and Follower Mechanism
play video Chapter 9: Gyroscope
play video Chapter 10: Vibration
play video Chapter 1: Belts & Pulley
play video Chapter 2: Bearings
play video Chapter 3: Clutches
play video Chapter 4: Riveted Joint
play video Chapter 5: Welded and BoltedJoint
play video Chapter 6: Fatigue design of Shaft
play video Chapter 7: Miscellaneous
play video Chapter 1: Crystal Structure
play video Chapter 2: Crystal Imperfection
play video Chapter 3: Phase & Phase Diagrams
play video Chapter 4: Heat Treatment Process
play video Chapter 5: Miscellaneous concepts
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Conduction heat transfer
play video Chapter 3: Heat Transfer From Extended Surface
play video Chapter 4: Unsteady state conduction heat transfer & Concept of heisler chart
play video Chapter 5: Heat Exchanger
play video Chapter 6: Radiation Heat Transfer
play video Chapter 7: Convection Heat Transfer
play video Chapter 8: Heat Transfer with change of phase
play video Chapter 1: Theory of Metal Cutting : Basic
play video Chapter 2: Theory Of Metal Cutting : Analysis
play video Chapter 3: Theory Of Metal Cutting : Tool Life
play video Chapter 4: Machine Tool : Lathe Machine
play video Chapter 5: Machine Tool : Shaper , Sloter & Planner Machine
play video Chapter 6: Machine Tool : Milling Machine
play video Chapter 7: Machine Tool : Grinding Machine
About Course

  • RPSC Vice Principal & Superintendent ITI Exam Mechanical Online Classes with Complete Study material.

  • Now Easy to Access Online Classes at ZONE TECH DIGITAL APP (IOS/Android), Laptop, Desktop, Personal Computer, TV and all Devices.
  • Get 600+ Hours Video Lectures of LIVE from OFFLINE CLASS ROOM Programme at Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH DIGITAL APP.
  • Download your Video Lectures In Offline Mode and Watch Them later from anywhere at ZONE TECH Digital App.
  • Download Free Study Material (PDF) format of all Subjects include Technical & Non Technical Subjects.
  • Get Free Online Test Series and Work Book (PDF) format of all Subjects for practice of your Exam
  • Newly Designed Online Classes Courses LIVE From Classroom In Recorded Mode.
  • Cover Complete RPSC Vice Principal & Superintendent ITI Exam Combined Mechanical Syllabus Include Technical & Non-Technical Online Classes + Study Material.
  • Meet With Your Mentor Today. Mentor to Mentor Facility is Available in This Course. For Any Other info contact us at- 9828747676, 9462447676 or write us at info@zonetech.in