UPSC JE Mock Interview 2024

UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (UPSC) Junior Engineer (JE) in Employees State Insurance Corporation

IGP > UPSC JE Mock Interview 2024

UPSC JE Mock Interview 2024

UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (UPSC) Conduct recruitment Test Exam for 58 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) in Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). The paper is conducted in two stages

Stage -1 : Scheme of the UPSC JE ESIC Exam :

(a) The test will be of two hours duration i.e. 120 Minutes.

(b) All questions will carry equal marks.

(c) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answer.

(d) The medium of the test will be English.

(e) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.

(f) The test will carry a maximum of 300 marks.


Stage -2 : UPSC JE ESIC Interview

As for candidates shortlisted in the RT, the scrutiny would be done on the basis of documents uploaded by them at the time of filling of Online Application (ORA) for the subject post. However, candidates may be asked through e-mail to furnish the deficient documents, if required. Their documents will be scrutinized and those candidates who fulfil all the eligibility conditions of the posts shall be called for interview.

Recruitment Test and the Interview may carry a 75:25 Weightage for those candidates short-listed through the RT and those who qualify in the interview.

Written Test (Stage-1) : 75 % Weightage

Interview marks : 25 % Weightage

Students being shortlisted for UPSC Junior Engineer in ESIC Department on the basis of criteria . The Standard of suitability for the interview for candidates belonging to various categories is fixed as under:

General/EWS Category : 50 and above

OBC : 45 and above (on relaxed standards)

SC/ST : 40 and above (on relaxed standards)

PwBD (Gen/EWS//OBC/SC/ST) : 40 and above (on relaxed standards)