Syllabus and scope of papers
Preliminary Examination
Compulsory Paper- General Knowledge & General science
Major Physiographic characteristics, Climate, Soil and Natural Vegetation, Agriculture: types, Major Industries: Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile, Sugar, Paper, Petro-chemical and latest trends in Industries, Population: Growth, Distribution, Density and Sex-ratio, Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues.
Physiography, Rivers and Lakes, Climate, Soil and Natural Vegetation, Irrigation Projects, Livestock, Minerals, Demographic characteristics, Industries, Tourism
Rajasthan: -
Selection of site for the construction of various types of buildings: Planning and orientation of buildings. Bonds in masonry. Damp proof course. Scaffolding, underpinning, and racking. Floors. Staircases. Roofs. Doors and Windows. Requirements of fire protection. Ventilation and air conditioning and acoustics. Building and highway materials and their IS codal provisions. Stones, Bricks, timber, Lime, Cement, Mortar, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminium, Fly Ash, Basic Admixtures, Plain and reinforced Cement Concrete, Bitumen.
Leveling, Use of Theodolite, Total Station, tacheometry, Trigonometrical and Triangulation survey. Traversing and Traverse Adjustment, Contours and contouring, Simple Circular Compound and Transition Curves and their setting out, Theory of errors and survey adjustment. Computations of areas and volumes, Basics of Remote Sensing, Global Positioning System, Geographic Information System, Digital Elevation Method.
Classification of soil as per I.S. code, Field identification tests for soils; water content, specific gravity, voids ratio, porosity, degree saturation; unit weight, density index, etc; and their inter-relationships, determinations of various properties of soils as noted above as well as grain size distribution, consistency limits, etc.
Soil permeability and its determination in the laboratory and field; Darcy's law, Flow nets, its Characteristics and uses.
Compaction and consolidation of soil, soil stabilization methods. Boussinesq's methods. Newmark's chart and its uses.
Shear strength parameters and their determination Bearing capacity, local and general shear failures, design Criteria for shallow foundation, Plate load test and standard penetration test. Earth pressures on retaining wall. Stability of simple slopes. Properties and uses of geosynthetics.
Stress and strains, elastic constants, factor of safety, relation among elastic constants. Bending moment and shear force diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging, fixed and continuous beams subjected to static loads:- concentrated, uniformly distributed and uniformly varying, couple (moment).
Theory of simple bending. Shear Stress, torsion, shear centre, Influence lines for determinate structures,
Deflection of cantilever, simply supported fixed and continuous beams. Analysis of Determinate and Indeterminate structures for axially loaded members, beams, frames pin jointed- Plane and space frames.
Provisions of latest versions of IS : 800 and 875, Limit State Design, Design of bolted connections, welded connections, Design of axially and eccentrically loaded tension members, Design of axially and eccentrically loaded compression members, Design of beams, Design of column bases (slab base and gusseted base), Design of plate girder, gantry girder, Design of roof trusses, Concepts of Plastic theory.
Provisions of latest IS: 456, design of beams singly and doubly reinforced, design of flexure and shear reinforcement. Serviceability criteria, Design for bond, anchorage and development length, Design of slabs spanning in two directions and T-beam slabs. Design of column axially and uniaxially eccentrically loaded. Design of isolated and combined column footings: Design of simple RCC cantilever and counterfort retaining walls. Provisions of latest IS: 3370, Reinforcement in overhead, ground supported and underground water tanks.
Properties of fluids, Hydraulic pressure at a point and its measurement. total pressure and centre of pressure on plane and curved immersed surfaces, fluid flow conditions, Bernoulli's, Navier-Stokes, Reynold's equations, flow through orifices venturimeter, notches and wires, flow through pipes and open channels, Gradually and rapidly varied flow, Momentum and angular momentum principles as applied to fluid in a control volume, applications of jets, Viscous flow, concept of drag, flow through pipes.
Dimensional analysis, Model similitude, Model scales, Physical modeling, Computational hydraulics- theory and applications, Momentum and energy equations.
Engineering hydrology; Hydrology of floods and drought reservoirs and dams; spillways, ground water hydrology. Irrigation: canals, silt theories, Khosla's theories for design of hydraulic structures. Ground water and well irrigation, water logging.
Water demand for urban and rural areas, Forecast of population. Sources. Water supply standards of purity of public water supplies with various methods of purification; House drainage system Distribution network with all the ancillaries: system of drainage.
Characteristics of waste water- BOD, COD, DO and TOC, Layout of sewerage systems. Primary, secondary treatments, sequencing batch reactor, trickling filters, lagoons and other treatment units and their design criteria. Flushing of sewers; sewage treatment; rural water supply and sanitation, classification of solid waste.
Principles of highway planning; classification of road land width, building line, center line, formation width, terrain classification.
Geometric Design: pavement width, Camber, longitudinal gradient, sight distance, horizontal curve, super elevation, vertical curve, lateral and vertical clearances.
Flexible pavements. Sub-base, base course and shoulder stone / Kankar brick soling, WBM courses, shoulders. Granular sub-base, stabilized soil roads cement / lime stabilized sub base, sand bitumen base course, crushed cement concrete base/sub-base course.
Rigid pavements: Application of tie and dowel bars
Traffic Engineering: traffic characteristics, road user characteristics, vehicular characteristics, volume, speed and delay studies origin and destination study, traffic flow characteristics, traffic capacity and parking studies, traffic regulation, traffic control devices, Intersection control. Alignment
Highway construction and maintenance of different types of roads. Need for highway drainage and arboriculture.
Highway bridges: Provisions of latest versions of IRC:5, IRC:6, IRC:21.
Electrical Circuits: Circuit elements, Voltage & Current Sources, KCL and KVL Analysis, Network topology, Nodal and Mesh analysis. Basic Network theorems for AC and DC circuits, Network Functions: poles and zeros. Driving point and transfer functions, Response of networks to standard input signals. Elementary network synthesis, different type of network parameters, signal flow graphs, Two-port networks, Interconnection of two port Network, Theorems in transform domain: Fourier series, Laplace transforms and their applications. Frequency response, Resonant circuits and applications, Steady state response with sinusoidal input. Three-phase balanced and unbalanced networks, Transient response: Transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuits, Basics of magnetically coupled circuits.
Field Theory: Electrostatics and electrical fields, Stoke’s theorem, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, Magnetostatics and magnetic fields, Field in conductors and in magnetic materials, field in dielectrics, Maxwell’s equations in time varying fields.
Electrical Materials: Elementary Concepts, Classification of materials on the basis of permanent magnetic dipoles and conductivity, Electrical and electronic behaviour of materials, Dielectric Properties of insulators in static and alternating fields, Phenomenon of polarization and superconductivity, Applications of magnetic, conducting, dielectric & insulating materials.
Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation: General principles of measurement: Units & dimensions, Types of errors, Standard error analysis, Basic methods of measurement, Measurement of circuit parameters by bridge methods, Measuring Instrument: Indicating Instruments, Integrating Instruments, Recording instruments. Measurement of voltage, current, power, power factor, energy, resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency.
Transducers: Strain gauge, LVDT, Resistance thermometers, Thermisters, Piezoelectric. Measurement of non-electrical quantities: Pressure, temperature, flow rate, displacement, velocity, acceleration, strain etc.
Electronics and Communication: Solid state semi conductor devices: Diodes, Zener diodes, Transistors (Bipolar, BJT, JFET, MOSFET). Biasing and their applications, Analysis of electronic circuits, equivalent circuit. Rectifier, filter and voltage regulators. Single stage and multistage amplifiers-gain and frequency response., flip-flops and their applications.
Digital Electronics: Switching circuits, Boolean algebra and logic gates. Memories, Sample and hold circuits. Logic circuits including DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS, Digital ICs. Communication: generation, Detection of AM & FM noise, Behaviour of AM & FM systems.
Microprocessor systems and computer: Fundamentals, Microprocessor architecture 8085, Instruction set and simple assembly language programming, Interfacing of peripheral devices such as General Purpose I/O, memory devices, Applications of
microprocessors. Basic layout of digital computers, input-output devices, memory organisations, algorithms, flowcharts.
Power Electronics: Power semiconductor devices, triac, GTO, MOSFET, Thyristor. Static characteristics and triggering circuits, Clipping, Clamping, A.C. to D.C. Converters, choppers. Controlled and uncontrolled power rectifiers, Bridge converters, multivibrators, Oscillators.
Control System: Open and closed loop systems: Block diagrams and signal flow graphs, Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems, Response analysis in time and frequency domain; steady state error analysis. Concept of Stability, Routh- Hurwitz Criteria, Nyquist criteria, Relative Stability analysis, Bode plots, gain margin, phase margin.
DC Motors: Construction, Characteristics & Applications of shunt, Series & compound motors. Torque, Efficiency and testing. DC Generators: Construction, Characteristics & Applications of shunt, Series & compound generators. EMF equation, Efficiency & testing.
Transformers: Construction, equivalent circuit, Losses, Efficiency, All-day-efficiency, Voltage regulation, Parallel operation.
Induction Motors: Three-phase induction motors: Construction, Torque, Equivalent circuit, Torque-slip characteristic, Losses, Efficiency, Speed control methods, Braking. Single-phase induction motors: Double revolving field theory, Starting methods.
Alternators: Construction, EMF equation, Winding factor, Armature reaction, Synchronous reactance, Voltage regulation, Efficiency, Parallel operation, Synchronization
Synchronous Motors: Starting, Torque, Hunting & Damping, Power-angle Characteristic, V-curves
Power systems: Generation: thermal, Hydro, Nuclear generation; Non-conventional energy sources. Transmission & Distribution. Transmission line parameters – Resistance, Inductance and capacitance calculation, Performance of short, medium and long lines. Neutral earthing & grounding. Underground Cables. Corona & its effects and remedial measures. Basic idea of power system stability & its types. Insulators, introduction to HVDC transmission. Switchgear & protection: theories of arc extinction. Comparative merits of minimum oil, bulk oil, air break, air blast & SF6 circuit breakers. Causes and consequences of fault currents. Current limiting reactors. Busbar arrangements. Requirements of protective relays. Protection of lines, transformers, synchronous generators and busbars. Symmetrical components and their applications.
Linear Measurements, different surveying devices and methods, land grading and levelling, contouring and terracing, earth work estimation, land development budgeting.
Precipitation, hydrologic cycle, point rainfall analysis, frequency analysis. Watershed: definition and concept, agricultural watersheds, prediction of peak runoff, factors affecting runoff, hydrograph, concepts of unit and instantaneous hydrographs. Erosion- type and factors associated with erosion, assessment of actual annual soil loss by erosion and its impact on agricultural production and productivity. Erosion control measures on various classes of lands i.e. contour cultivation, strip cropping, terracing, afforestation, pastures etc. Role of vegetation in soil and water conservation, grassed water way and design. Design of gully control measures including permanent structures
i.e. chute spillway, drop spillway, drop inlet spillway, retards and stream bank erosion, mechanics of wind and water erosion, wind erosion control, water harvesting structures
i.e. Khadin, Tanka, Nadi and Anicut.
Soil-Water- Plant relationship, water requirements of different crops and irrigation scheduling, direct and indirect methods of soil moisture measurements, measurements of irrigation water. Water conveyance and control, design of field channels. Design of irrigation methods, irrigation efficiencies. Drainage: Benefits of drainage, surface drainage, drainage of flat and slopping lands. Design and layout of surface and sub surface drains, depth and spacing of drains and drainage outlets, installation of drains and drainage wells. Pumps: - Construction and performance characteristics, selection, installation, working principle and maintenance of reciprocating pump, centrifugal pump, turbine pump, submersible Pump, propellers, jet and air lift pumps. Water Resources Development and Management: Water resources of India, surface water, ground water, development of irrigation potential, canal irrigation, command area development, on farm development works, aquifer parameters, hydraulics of wells, steady and unsteady flow, well log, construction of wells, well development.
Classification of Internal combustion (IC) engines, engine terminology, Otto, diesel & dual cycle, engine components, Fuel supply system, Lubrication system, cooling system and governing system, steering system, hydraulic system. Types of tractors, clutch& brakes, power transmission system. Traction theory, mechanics of tractor chassis, tyres and selection of tractors. Farm Machinery: Tillage & objectives, primary and secondary tillage equipment, ploughing methods. Sowing and planting equipment and their calibration, intercultural operation and weeders, Selection and calibration of sprayers and dusters, Principles, selection and operation of harvesting and threshing machinery.
Measurement of draft & field capacity, field efficiency, cost analysis of farm power & equipment and related numerical problems.
Various size reduction machinery and material handling equipment. Separation equipment-based on size, shape and surface characteristics. Heating and cooling of food products, mode of heat transfer and types of heat exchangers. Psychometric chart and its application in drying. EMC and its determination, Principles of drying and drying equipments, water activity. Types of evaporators, steam economy. Refrigeration and cooling load calculation. Various size reduction theories and milling process for Rice, Maize, Wheat and Pulse. Parboiling of wheat and paddy. Grains storage structures, theory and their design requirement. Principles of food preservation and thermal processing.
Selection, Installation and general cares of electric motors on farms, selection of wire sizes based on Indian standards. Types of wiring, rural electrification programme. Rural Housing: Building materials and their properties, Design of Beams, Slabs, Columns and foundations. Planning and design of rural houses, village roads and drainage system, waste disposal and sanitary structures, material and cost estimation in construction.
Renewable Energy: Solar Radiation its measurement, solar thermal devices and gadgets
i.e. solar cooker, solar water heater, solar dryer, solar refrigeration and air conditioner etc. Solar photovoltaic devices, Bio energy production, conversion and utilization. Biogas: types & design of biogas Plant. Biomass gasification and gasifiers, wind energy conversion process i.e., wind mills for water pumping, electricity generation.