SSC-JE Exam Date, Departments, Syllabus, pattern, Cutoff, Test Series, Course


SSC JE Exam Overview 

The Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam is a competitive examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission of India. The purpose of the exam is to recruit Junior Engineers for Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering students in various government departments and organizations. The SSC JE exam is typically held annually and is open to candidates with an Diploma or B.Tech engineering background.

SSC JE Recruitment Overview 

Exam Conducting Body

Staff Selection Commission

Post Name

Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)

Official Website 



SSC JE Recruitment

Selection Process 

 SSC JE Paper I


SSC JE Document Verification

SSC JE Medical Examination

Start Date of SSC JE Application

Announce as per Notification

Last Date of SSC JE Application

Announce as per Notification


SSC JE Exam Departments List

The departments and their working profile that typically participate in the SSC JE exam for recruitment is described below. Here is a list of some common government departments and organizations in SSC JE Board that usually hire junior engineers through SSC Exam:

1. Central Public Works Department (CPWD):

CPWD is responsible for the construction and maintenance of government buildings and infrastructure at the central level.


2. Military Engineering Services (MES):

MES provides engineering and infrastructure support to the Indian Armed Forces.


3. Border Road Organization (BRO):

BRO is responsible for constructing and maintaining roads and infrastructure in border areas.


4. Central Water Commission (CWC):

CWC is involved in water resources management, including the construction and maintenance of dams and reservoirs.


5. Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS):

CWPRS conducts research and development in the field of water resources and hydropower.


6. Farakka Barrage Project (FBP)


7. Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works)


8. National Technical Research Organization (NTRO):

NTRO is involved in technical intelligence and surveillance activities.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria for Students

Candidates have to fulfil eligibility criteria to apply for the SSC Junior Engineer examination. Below are the some SSC JE Eligibility criteria.


A candidate must be either:

a citizen of India, or

a subject of Nepal, or

a subject of Bhutan, or

a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or

a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently setting in.


SSC JE Educational Qualification


The educational qualification required for the SSC JE (Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer) exam varies based on the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering (Diploma / B.Tech) discipline chosen by the candidate. The general eligibility criteria for the SSC JE exam are as follows. Candidates must ensure that their educational qualification or experience matches the following SSC JE Eligibility criteria.


S. No.


Educational and Other Qualification


Junior Engineer (Civil), Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defence.

Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute


(a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board; and

(b) Two years working experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Civil Engineering works.


Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical),

Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defense.

Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute;


(a) Three years Diploma in Electrical/ Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board; and

(b) Two years’ experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering works.


Junior Engineer (Civil), CPWD

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.


Junior Engineer (Electrical), CPWD

Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical

Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.


Junior Engineer (Civil),

Central Water Power Research Station.

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute.


Junior Engineer (Electrical),

Central Water Power Research Station.

Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institute.


Junior Engineer

(Mechanical), Central Water Power Research Station.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute.


Junior Engineer (Civil), Central Water Commission.

Degree or Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.


Junior Engineer (Mechanical),

Central Water Commission.

Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.


Junior Engineer (Mechanical), Directorate of Quality Assurance, (Naval).

Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute;


(a) Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution plus

(b) Two years’ experience in the respective field.


Junior Engineer (Electrical), Directorate of Quality Assurance, (Naval).

Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University;


(a) Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution plus

(b) Two years’ experience in the respective field.


Junior Engineer (Civil), Farakka Barrage Project.

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board.


Junior Engineer(Electrical),

Farakka Barrage Project.

Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board.


Junior Engineer (Mechanical),

Farakka Barrage Project.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board.


Junior Engineer (Civil), Military Engineer Services (MES)

Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University


(a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University or Board; and

(b) Two years’ experience in Planning, Execution and Maintenance of Civil

Engineering works.


Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical),

Military Engineer Services (MES)

Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University;


(a) Three years diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute or University or Board; and

(b) Two years’ experience in Planning, Execution and Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering



Junior Engineer (Civil), National Technical Research Organization.

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.


Junior Engineer (Electrical), National Technical Research


Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.


Junior Engineer(Mechanical) National Technical Research


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution


Junior Engineer (Civil), Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman

Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution.


Junior Engineer (Electrical), Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman

Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution.


Junior Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

(Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institution.

Study Material Books For SSC JE Exams.

Here is the list of recommended books for the SSC JE examination. As the competition gets tougher with each passing year, it is important that you leave no stone unturned. As there is an array of SSC JE books available in the market, it is important to pick the right ones among them. Read further to get detailed information for subject-wise SSC-Jen Books for Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical trade.


  1. SSC JE Civil Engineering Previous Year Solved Papers By Zone Tech Publication.
  2. SSC JE Mechanical Engineering Previous Year Solved Papers By Zone Tech Publication.
  3. SSC JE Electrical Engineering Previous Year Solved Papers By Zone Tech Publication.


  1. Civil Engineering subject-Wise, General Awareness & Reasoning Quizzes at www.zonetech.in


  1. SSC Junior Engineers Exam Guide: Junior Engineers (Civil & Structural) Exam Guide By Zone Tech R&D Team


  1. Civil Engineering Through Objective Type Questions Zone Tech Publishers & Distributors


How To Apply for SSC JE Exam


To apply for ssc je exam you must follow the following steps i.e. online Registration, Application Form and FEE Submit at SSC portal.

Part-A : Online Registration

Step 1: Go to the SSC website and then click on the "Register Now" option in the upper right corner.

Step 2: Fill out the form with your Aadhaar number, name, father's name, mother's name, and date of birth.

Step 3: Fill out the form with your gender, highest educational qualification, mobile number, email address, and current and permanent residence.

Step 4: Now, save these details and confirm your mobile number using an OTP provided to your registered mobile number.

Step 5: Log in with your new login credentials and update your password to something more personal.

Step 6: After that, choose your candidate category, nationality, visible identity mark, and benchmark disability.

Step 7: In the form, attach a scanned copy of your current passport size photo and signature.

Step 8: Save the data, examine the details, and then click the "Final Submit" button.

Step 9: Two separate OTPs will be emailed to your email address and mobile phone number; enter any of them into the box.

Step 10: Then, underneath the declaration, click the "I Agree" button to finish the registration procedure and proceed to the online application form and fee payment.


Part-B: Online SSC JE Application Form


Step 1: Use your Registration Number and Password from Part I to log in to Part II of your application procedure.

Step 2: Next, click on the Apply for Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) link.

Step 3: List 3 exam centers of the same region as per your preference.

Step 4: Select the position for which you wish to apply and then submit your highest qualification and stream of education.

Step 5: Check the 'I Agree' box and then enter the captcha code that appears on your screen. You will get a preview of your form, and after you are pleased, click the submit button to proceed to fee payment.

Step 6: Pay the application fee and print a copy of the application form for future reference.


Application Fee for SSC JE Exam

The candidates belonging to the General/OBC category have to pay Rs. 100 while candidates from SC/ST/OBC/Female do not have to pay any fee to apply for the SSC JE Examination as per the Official Notification. Fee can be paid via BHIM UPI, SBI Challan/ Net Banking or by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit/Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan.


SSC JE Application Fee (As per the  SSC JE Official Notification )


Fee (in Rs.)






During form filling of SSC JE Exam, be in notice that your form may be reject at the time of SSC JE admit card generation . the reasons for SSC JE Application Form Rejection may be under the following circumstances:


  1. Missing information in the application form
  2. Lack of supporting documents
  3. Application fee not submitted on time
  4. Not fulfilling eligibility criteria
  5. False information

SSC JE Age Limit for All Departments of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Studnets.


S. No.



Age limit


Border Roads Organization

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical)

Up to 30 years


Central Public Works Department (CPWD)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 32 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 32 years


Central Water and Power Research Station

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years


Central Water Commission

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 32 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 32 years


Directorate of Quality Assurance (Naval)

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer


Up to 30 years


Farakka Barrage Project (FBP)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years


Military Engineer Services (MES)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer

(Electrical and Mechanical)

Up to 30 years


National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer


Up to 30 years


Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years


SSC JE Age Relaxation for Students of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Students .


SSC JE Age Relaxation (As per the Notification PDF)

Code No.


Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit



5 years



3 years


Persons with Disabilities (PwD)

10 years



13 years


PwD + SC/ ST

15 years


Ex-Servicemen (ESM)

3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age.


Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof

3 years


Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST).

8 year


SSC JE Syllabus in brief for paper-1 and paper-2 with subjects and topics are given details below.


SSC JE Syllabus for Paper I (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering)


SSC JE Syllabus for Paper I



General Awareness

  1. History
  2. Economic Scene, 
  3. General Polity 
  4. Culture, 
  5. Geography, 
  6. Scientific Research

General Intelligence & Reasoning

  1. Analogy
  2. Analysis
  3. Judgment
  4. Similarities
  5. Differences
  6. Problem-solving 
  7. Space visualization
  8. Decision making 
  9. Observation 
  10. Relationship concepts 
  11. Visual memory 
  12. Discrimination 
  13. Arithmetic reasoning 
  14. Verbal and figure classification 

General Engineering

  1. Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Civil and Structural Engineering, 
  3. Electrical Engineering,


SSC JE Syllabus for Paper II (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering)


SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus

SSC JE Electrical Syllabus

SSC JE Mechanical Syllabus

  • Building Materials
  • Surveying
  • Concrete Technology
  • Irrigation Engineering,
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Estimating
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Costing and Valuation
  • Environmental Engineering
  • RCC Design
  • Hydraulics
  • Theory of Structures
  • Steel Design
  • Magnetic Circuit
  • Electrical Machines
  • Measurement and Measuring instruments
  • Synchronous Machines
  • Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors
  • Generation
  • Basic Electronics
  • Basic concepts
  • Circuit law
  • AC Fundamentals
  • Estimation and Costing
  • Transmission and Distribution
  • Utilization and Electrical Energy
  • Theory of Machines and Machine Design
  • Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Properties of Pure Substances
  • 1 st Law of Thermodynamics
  • 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics
  • Air standard Cycles for IC engines
  • Rankine cycle of steam
  • Fluid Mechanics & Machinery: Properties & Classification of Fluid
  • Fluid Statics
  • Measurement of Fluid Pressure
  • Measurement of Fluid Pressure
  • Fluid Kinematics
  • Dynamics of ideal fluids
  • Measurement of Flow rate Basic Principles
  • Hydraulic Turbines
  • Centrifugal Pumps
  • Performance Production Engineering
  • Classification of Steels


SSC JE Exam Pattern for Paper I

The SSC Junior Engineer Paper I examination will be an objective type CBT (Computer Based Test) which consists of a total of 200 questions. of 1 mark each. Paper I has three sections - General Intelligence & Reasoning (50 Marks), General Awareness (50 Marks), and Technical Section i.e. Civil & Structural Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering (100 Marks). There will be a negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Questions will be in both English and Hindi language. Read the table below to know more about the SSC JE Exam Pattern.



Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Duration & Timings

General Awareness



2 Hours

(2 hours and 40 minutes for the candidates who are eligible for scribe)

General Intelligence and Reasoning



Part A- General Engineering (civil & structural) or

Part B- General Engineering (electrical) or

Part C- General Engineering (mechanical) or




SSC JE Exam Pattern for Paper II

The SSC JE Paper-II will include objective-type 100 questions of 300 marks. There is a 1/3 negative marking in this paper. There will be three parts i.e. Civil & Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Candidates will attempt only one of these parts based on their graduation stream. To know more, go through the table given below.



Mode of Examination


No of Questions/

Maximum marks


Paper-II (Objective Type)

CBT Examination


General Engineering (Civil & Structural)



General Engineering (Electrical)



General Engineering (Mechanical)


2 Hours

(2 hours and 40 minutes for the candidates who are eligible for scribe)


SSC JE Document Verification

Below is the list of documents to carry:

Candidates should carry original documents along with photocopies.

Two recent passport size color photograph

Photo ID Proof ( Aadhar card, PAN card, Passport, Voter's ID, Driver's License, School/ College ID Card, or Employer ID (Govt./ PSU)


How To Download SSC JE Recruitment Admit Card?

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC JE Admit Card on the official website. Check the steps to download SSC JE Admit Card below.

Step 1: Visit the SSC Official Website

Step 2: Click the link that says “Download admit card for Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quality Surveying & Contract) Examination,  .

Step 3: Click on the region for which you want to download the admit card.

Step 4: Enter your Roll numbers or Registration number or Name and DOB.

Step 5: Click on the search button.

Step 6: Your SSC JE Admit Card will appear on your screen.


SSC JE Salary


SSC JE Salary will be as per the 7th pay commission. The pay band for SSC JE comes under the Level 6 of the pay matrix. The basic pay and in-hand salary (Inclusive of all benefits) for SSC Junior Engineer are given below.


SSC JE Salary Structure (As per the Notification PDF)


Salary in INR

Basic Pay for SSC Junior Engineers

INR 35,400 - INR 1,12,400

SSC Junior Engineer Salary in hand

44,000 (Inclusive of all benefits)


SSC JE Cut Off 
There are so many Factors which Determining SSC JE Cut off such as,
The number of candidates who appeared in the exam, Category of candidates, The difficulty level of the exam, Number of posts vacant,  Previous year cutoff etc.

SSC JE Cut off refers to the minimum marks that must be attained by any candidate to stand passed in that examination. Candidates can check SSC JE cut off by following the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the SSC official website

Step 2: Look for the Result Tab on the Official website.

Step 3: Click on the SSC JE option from the list.

Step 4: Click on the SSC JE result link for which cut off needs to be seen.

Step 5: Check, download, and save the cut off PDF

Step 6. Now check category-wise cut-off marks, (General, SC, ST, OBC).

Preparation Tips for SSC JE Exam 

Follow the below-mentioned SSC JE preparation tips to boost your preparation for SSC JE Exam  .

Go through the SSC JE Syllabus- This will help you in knowing the importance of each topic from an exam point of view. Spend more time on topics that carry more weight.

Time management- Time management is one of the most important factors while preparation. This will help you maintain a balance between speed and accuracy.

Solve previous year’s Papers- Practice by dividing your engineering Paper in 2 parts- numerical based & theory-based. Also, while practicing mock tests make sure you follow this approach constantly to get well used to it for your SSC JE exam.


SSC JE Recruitment Result

The SSC JE result will be released on the official website once the written exam for the   recruitment cycle is conducted. Check the steps to download the SSC Je Result given below.

Step 1: Visit the SSC official website

Step 2: Navigate to the results page on the website.

Step 3: From the "Results" menu, select the "Junior engineer" result tab.

Step 4: Click on the SSC JE Result PDF link

Step 5: Press CTRL+F and search for your name/roll number.

Step 6. If the name appears, it means you have qualified for further process.

Step 7: Download and save the SSC JE Result PDF for future reference.


We hope you find this post on SSC JE Recruitment   helpful and informative. You can start preparing for the SSC JE exam with our Zone Tech which has comprehensive study material, video lectures, and PDF notes for the SSC JE exam. So hurry up and download our Free Android app now.


FAQs related to SSC JE Recruitment -

  • What is the New Changes in SSC JE Mains Exam?
  • What is the Negative Marking for SSC JE mains Exam?
  • Will the SSC JE Recruitment have an interview round?
  • Can an average student crack the SSC JE Recruitment ?
  • Can one crack SSC JE without coaching?
  • How many vacancies will be released for SSC JE Recruitment ?
  • What will be the selection process for SSC JE Recruitment ?
  • What is the Salary of Junior Engineer in SSC JE ?
  • What factors affect the SSC JE Recruitment cut-off?
  • For how many marks will Paper 1 be conducted in the SSC JE Recruitment?
  • Will there be a negative marking in the SSC JE Recruitment?
  • How difficult is SSC JE exam?
  • Is SSC JE is a good career?
  • Which Department is best in SSC JE?
  • What is the salary of JE after 10 years?
  • Is SSC JE exam tough?
  • What is SSC JE eligibility?
  • How many attempts are there in SSC JE?
  • Can Final year student apply for SSC JE?
  • What is the age limit of SSC JE?
  • SSC JE 2023 Complete Syllabus ?
  • How SSC je can crack in 3 months only?
  • Is SSC JE held every year?
  • How can I crack SSC JE exam in first attempt ?
  • Why is SSC JE exam important?
  • Is BTech eligible for SSC JE?
  • Is Diploma eligible for SSC JE?



Yes, ZONE TECH Provides India's Best test series for ssc je mains for Civil, mechanical and electrical engineering students of diploma and degree
The SSC JE examination is usually conducted annually. The exact dates may vary from year to year, so it's essential to keep an eye on the official SSC website or notifications for the latest updates.
To apply for the SSC JE exam, you need to visit the official SSC website and fill out the online application form during the application period mentioned in the official notification.
The SSC JE examination consists of two papers: Paper-I and Paper-II Both (objective type). Paper-I includes questions related to General Intelligence and reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering (Civil & Structural/Electrical/Mechanical). Paper-II is assesses your engineering knowledge in detail.
No, there is no interview for SSC JE. Selection is based on your performance in Paper-I and Paper-II.
Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I & II.