RPSC AE (Prelims) Mechanical Online Classes 2025

RPSC-AE : Go From Beginners to Expert

It includes Technical and Non Technical Online Classes
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RPSC AE (Prelims) Mechanical Online Classes 2025 RPSC AE (Prelims) Mechanical Online Classes 2025
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  • Now Easy to Access RPSC AE Prelims Online Classes at ZONE TECH DIGITAL APP (IOS/Android), Laptop, Desktop, Personal Computer, TV and all Devices.

  • Get 600+ Hours Video Lectures of LIVE from OFFLINE Class Room Program Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH DIGITAL APP.

  • This course Includes Online Classes of RPSC -AE Exam & Complete Study material for Students.

  • Download RPSC AE Prelims Video Lectures In Offline Mode and Watch Them later from anywhere. 

  • Download Free Study Material (PDF) format For RPSC AE Prelims Mechanical Engineering Technical & Non Technical Subjects .

  • Newly Designed RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Prelims Online Classes Courses LIVE From Classroom In Recorded Mode is available .

  • Cover Complete Latest RPSC AE Combined Syllabus Include Technical & Non-Technical Online Classes + Study Material.

  • Complete Coverage of RPSC AE Prelims Combined 2024 Syllabus as per Latest Examination Pattern and Trends.

  • Meet With Your Mentor Today. Mentor to Mentor Facility is Available with RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Prelims Course which helps to convert your preparation into selection.

  • RPSC AE Aspirants will get Weekly Online Test series + Subject wise Test Series after Subject completion on ZONE TECH OTS App as well as Web
Course Content
play video Chapter 1: Properties of Fluids
play video Chapter 2: Pressure and its Measurements
play video Chapter 3: Buoyancy And Flotation
play video Chapter 4: Fluid Kinematics
play video Chapter 5: Fluid Dynamics
play video Chapter 6: Dimensional Analysis
play video Chapter 7: Pipe Flow
play video Chapter 8: Laminar Flow
play video Chapter 9: Boundary Layer Theory
play video Chapter 10: Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 11: Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 12: Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 13: -Properties of Fluids
play video Chapter 14: -Pressure and its Measurements, Buoyancy And Flotation
play video Chapter 15: -Fluid Kinematics, Fluid Dynamics
play video Chapter 16: -Dimensional Analysis
play video Chapter 17: -Pipe Flow
play video Chapter 18: - Hydraulic Machine : Impact of Jet
play video Chapter 19: - Hydraulic Machine : turbine
play video Chapter 20: - Hydraulic Machine : Pump
play video Chapter 1: Stress- Strain : Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Stress and Strain
play video Chapter 3: properties of Material
play video Chapter 4: Poissons Ratio : Introduction
play video Chapter 5: Elastic Constants : Introduction
play video Chapter 6: Elastic Constants
play video Chapter 7: Centroid & Moment of Inertia
play video Chapter 8: Principal Stresses & Planes :Intro
play video Chapter 9: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 10: Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram
play video Chapter 11: Bending Stress & Shear Stress in Beam
play video Chapter 12: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 13: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 14: Torsion in shaft
play video Chapter 15: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 16: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 17: Principal Stress and Strain
play video Chapter 18: Deflection of Beam
play video Chapter 19: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 20: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 21: Thin Cylinder and Spherical Shells
play video Chapter 22: Column & Struts
play video Chapter 23: BCTQ Series
play video Chapter 24: Theories of Failure
play video Chapter 25: Spring
play video Chapter 26: Strain Energy Method
play video Chapter 27: -Introduction
play video Chapter 28: -Stress-Strain , Properties of Material , Elastic Constants
play video Chapter 29: -Centroid & MOI , Bending Stress in Beam
play video Chapter 30: -Torsion In Shaft
play video Chapter 31: -SFD & BMD
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Force Analysis
play video Chapter 3: Moment Analysis
play video Chapter 4: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
play video Chapter 5: Plane Truss and Frames
play video Chapter 6: Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia
play video Chapter 7: Friction
play video Chapter 8: miscellaneous Topics
play video Chapter 9: - Force Analysis & Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
play video Chapter 10: -Friction
play video Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 2: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 3: Energy Interaction
play video Chapter 4: First Law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 5: Second Low of Thermodynamics & Entropy
play video Chapter 6: Available and Unavailable Energy
play video Chapter 7: Pure Substance
play video Chapter 8: Thermodynamic Relations
play video Chapter 9: -Basic Concepts & 1st law of Thermodynamics
play video Chapter 10: -Second Low of Thermodynamics & Entropy
play video Chapter 11: -Pure Substance
play video Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION OF I.C.ENGINE
play video Chapter 2: Air Standard Cycles
play video Chapter 3: Working of I.C. Engine & Engine Performance Parameters
play video Chapter 4: Comparison of 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke Engine
play video Chapter 5: Comparison of SI and CI Engine
play video Chapter 6: Difference between theoretical and Actual P-V Diagram
play video Chapter 7: Difference between theoretical and Actual Valve Timing Diagram
play video Chapter 8: Testing of I.C Engine
play video Chapter 9: Combustion in SI Engine
play video Chapter 10: Combustion in CI Engine
play video Chapter 11: Air Pollution Firing Order, Supercharging, Diesel Fuel Injection
play video Chapter 12: -Air Standard Cycles
play video Chapter 13: -I.C Engine Combustion
play video Chapter 14: - Performance Parameters
play video Chapter 15: - Lubrication and cooling system
play video Chapter 16: Air-Fuel Supply System and Fuel Used
play video Chapter 17: Cooling System & Coolants & Properties
play video Chapter 18: Lubrication System & Lubricant & Properties
play video Chapter 19: Ignition System & System Equipment
play video Chapter 20: MPFI & CRDI System
play video Chapter 21: SI & CI Engine Combustion Chambers
play video Chapter 22: Emission Standards of BS 1,2,3,4 & 6
play video Chapter 1: Basic and Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Vapour Compression Refrigeration System (VC Cycle)
play video Chapter 3: Air Refrigeration System
play video Chapter 4: Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
play video Chapter 5: Refrigerents
play video Chapter 6: Air Conditioning
play video Chapter 7: Refrigerating Equipments
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Regeneration in Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 3: Reheating and Intercooling in Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 4: Rankine Cycle
play video Chapter 5: Nozzle
play video Chapter 6: Steam Turbine
play video Chapter 7: Boiler
play video Chapter 8: -Gas Turbine
play video Chapter 9: -Rankine Cycle
play video Chapter 10: -Steam Turbine & Nozzle
play video Chapter 11: -Boiler
play video Chapter 1: Mechanism & Machines
play video Chapter 2: Velocity & Accleration Analysis
play video Chapter 3: Gear & Gear Trains
play video Chapter 4: Single Slider Crank Chain Kinematic & Dynamic Analysis and Flywheel
play video Chapter 5: Flywheel
play video Chapter 6: Governor
play video Chapter 7: Balancing
play video Chapter 8: Cam and Follower Mechanism
play video Chapter 9: Gyroscope
play video Chapter 10: Vibration
play video Chapter 1: Belts & Pulley
play video Chapter 2: Bearings
play video Chapter 3: Clutches
play video Chapter 4: Riveted Joint
play video Chapter 5: Welded and BoltedJoint
play video Chapter 6: Fatigue design of Shaft
play video Chapter 7: Miscellaneous
play video Chapter 1: Crystal Structure
play video Chapter 2: Crystal Imperfection
play video Chapter 3: Phase & Phase Diagrams
play video Chapter 4: Heat Treatment Process
play video Chapter 5: Miscellaneous concepts
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Conduction heat transfer
play video Chapter 3: Heat Transfer From Extended Surface
play video Chapter 4: Unsteady state conduction heat transfer & Concept of heisler chart
play video Chapter 5: Heat Exchanger
play video Chapter 6: Radiation Heat Transfer
play video Chapter 7: Convection Heat Transfer
play video Chapter 8: Heat Transfer with change of phase
play video Chapter 1: Break Even Analysis
play video Chapter 2: Inventory Control
play video Chapter 3: Pert & CPM
play video Chapter 4: Sequencing
play video Chapter 5: Production system & Plant Layout
play video Chapter 6: Production Planning & Control
play video Chapter 7: Miscellenious
play video Chapter 1: Status and Expansion
play video Chapter 2: Main Physic Department - Desert region, Aravali mountain ragion, planes
play video Chapter 3: Climate
play video Chapter 4: soil
play video Chapter 5: Drainage system
play video Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation
play video Chapter 7: Forest and Wildlife Conservation
play video Chapter 8: Environmental and Ecological Issues
play video Chapter 9: Desertification
play video Chapter 1: Agro climatic and major crops
play video Chapter 2: Irrigaton Projects
play video Chapter 3: Water Conservation
play video Chapter 4: Rajasthan Minerals
play video Chapter 5: Transportation
play video Chapter 6: Livestock
play video Chapter 7: energy resources of rajasthan
play video Chapter 8: -Rajasthan Industries
play video Chapter 1: Important Forts
play video Chapter 2: Monuments & Structures, Key features of architecture
play video Chapter 3: Religious Movement of Rajasthan Folk god-goddess
play video Chapter 4: Mains Handicraft, painting, styles of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 5: Rajasthani language works of literature Major regional Languages
play video Chapter 6: Fair, festival,folk music, folk dance, musical instruments, jewelry
play video Chapter 7: Important Historic tourism Palace
play video Chapter 8: Rajasthani Culture, Tradition and Heritage
play video Chapter 1: Mains Prehistoric Civilizations of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 2: Chapter 1
play video Chapter 3: Major Dynasties and Their Accomplishments
play video Chapter 4: Princely states of Rajasthan and BritishTreaties, Mass movement of 1857
play video Chapter 5: Farmers and public Revolution movementn and the movement prjamandal
play video Chapter 6: Integral of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 7: Political Awareness of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 8: Mains Source & Main Personality of Rajasthan History
play video Chapter 1: Nutrition (Biology) पोषण
play video Chapter 2: Blood Circulation System (Biology) रक्त परिसंचरण प्रणाली
play video Chapter 3: Glands (Biology) ग्रंथियों
play video Chapter 4: Vitamins (Biology) विटामिन
play video Chapter 5: Respiration system (Biology) श्वसन प्रणाली
play video Chapter 6: Cells (Biology) कोशिकाएँ
play video Chapter 7: Nervous system (Biology) तंत्रिका तंत्र
play video Chapter 8: Genetics (Biology) आनुवंशिकी
play video Chapter 9: Excretion System (उत्सर्जन तंत्र)
play video Chapter 10: Human Diseases (Biology) मानव रोग
play video Chapter 11: Skeletal System (Biology) कंकाल तंत्र
play video Chapter 12: Human Reproduction System (Biology) मानव प्रजनन प्रणाली
play video Chapter 13: Botany (Biology) वनस्पति विज्ञान
play video Chapter 14: Law of Motion (Physics) गति का नियम
play video Chapter 15: Force (Physics) बल
play video Chapter 16: Nuclear Reactions (Physics) परमाणु प्रतिक्रियाएं
play video Chapter 17: Electricity (Physics) विद्युत
play video Chapter 18: Properties of Matter (Physics)
play video Chapter 19: Optics (Physics)
play video Chapter 20: Sound & Waves (Physics)
play video Chapter 21: Elements (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 22: Compounds (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 23: Periodic Table (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 24: Acid & Base (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 25: Cement, Soap & Polymer (Chemistry)
play video Chapter 1: Basic Introduction of India (भारत का परिचय)
play video Chapter 2: Physical Structure of India (भारत की भौतिक संरचना)
play video Chapter 3: Drainage System in India (भारत में ड्रेनेज सिस्टम)
play video Chapter 4: Climate of India (भारत की जलवायु)
play video Chapter 5: Mineral Resources in India (भारत में खनिज संसाधन)
play video Chapter 6: Soil of India (भारत की मिट्टी)
play video Chapter 7: National Highway (राष्ट्रीय हाइवे)
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Economics (अर्थशास्त्र का परिचय)
play video Chapter 2: Economic Planning (आर्थिक योजना)
play video Chapter 3: Poverty (गरीबी)
play video Chapter 4: Unemployment (बेरोजगारी)
play video Chapter 5: Budget (बजट)
play video Chapter 6: Indian Banking System (भारतीय बैंकिंग प्रणाली)
play video Chapter 7: National Income (राष्ट्रीय आय)
play video Chapter 8: Census (जनगणना)
play video Chapter 9: Agriculture (कृषि)
play video Chapter 10: Human Development Index (मानव विकास सूची)
play video Chapter 1: Constitutional Development (संवैधानिक विकास)
play video Chapter 2: Making of Indian Constitution (भारतीय संविधान का निर्माण)
play video Chapter 3: Features of Indian Constitution (भारतीय संविधान की विशेषताएं)
play video Chapter 4: Preamble of Constitution (संविधान की प्रस्तावना)
play video Chapter 5: Fundamental of Rights (मौलिक अधिकार)
play video Chapter 6: Directive principles (निर्देशक सिद्धांत)
play video Chapter 7: Fundamental Duties (मौलिक कर्तव्य)
play video Chapter 8: President (राष्ट्रपति)
play video Chapter 9: Vice President (उप राष्ट्रपति)
play video Chapter 10: Prime Minister (प्रधान मंत्री)
play video Chapter 11: Minister Council (मंत्री परिषद)
play video Chapter 12: Attorney General (महान्यायवादी)
play video Chapter 13: Parliament (संसद)
play video Chapter 14: Supreme Court (उच्चतम न्यायालय)
play video Chapter 15: Panchayati raj (पंचायती राज)
play video Chapter 16: CAG Inter State Council & FC
play video Chapter 17: SC, ST & OBC Commission
play video Chapter 18: NHRC & Central Information Commission (NHRC और केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग)
play video Chapter 19: Election Commission (चुनाव आयोग)
play video Chapter 20: Women Commission & NITI Aayog (महिला आयोग और नीति आयोग)
play video Chapter 21: Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) & Lokpal (केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयोग (CVC) और लोकपाल)
play video Chapter 1: Modern Indian History (आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास)
play video Chapter 2: Ancient Indian History (प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास)
play video Chapter 3: Medieval Indian History (मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास)
play video Chapter 1: Political Science
play video Chapter 2: Geography
play video Chapter 3: History
About Course

Zone Tech Launches India’s Best RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Online & Offline Course


Preparing for the RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering exam? Zone Tech introduces the best online and offline coaching with India’s top faculty, error-free study material, and a structured test series based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus. Our RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering course is designed to provide students with expert mentorship, in-depth learning resources, and flexible study options, ensuring a strategic and result-oriented preparation journey.

Key Features of Zone Tech’s RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Course


1. 600+ Hours of High-Quality Video Lectures


Access 600+ hours of recorded video lectures, streamed LIVE from offline classroom programs. These lectures provide an interactive and engaging learning experience, making complex concepts easier to understand.


2. Download Video Lectures & Study Offline


With our offline mode feature, students can download RPSC AE Prelims Mechanical Engineering video lectures and watch them anytime, anywhere—even without an internet connection.


3. Free Study Material in PDF Format


We provide free downloadable study material (PDFs) for technical and non-technical subjects, helping students with structured preparation, revision, and quick reference before exams.


4. Newly Designed Online Classes – LIVE & Recorded


The RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Prelims online course is structured with LIVE classroom lectures, which are later available in recorded mode. This ensures students never miss a lecture and can learn at their own pace.


5. Complete Syllabus Coverage as per Latest Exam Pattern


Our RPSC AE online coaching covers the entire syllabus, including both technical and non-technical subjects, based on the latest exam trends and patterns. The structured course helps aspirants stay updated and well-prepared for the exam.


6. Personalized Mentor-to-Mentor Guidance


Zone Tech offers a mentor-to-mentor facility, where students receive one-on-one guidance from expert mentors. This personalized support helps students overcome their weaknesses and gain confidence in their preparation.


7. Weekly Online Test Series & Subject-Wise Tests


Students will get access to a weekly online test series and subject-wise tests after completing each module. These tests, available on the ZONE TECH OTS App & Web, provide real-time exam practice and performance tracking.


Why Choose Zone Tech for RPSC AE Mechanical Engineering Preparation?

• Learn from India’s Top Faculty – Get expert guidance from the best educators.

• Flexible Learning Options – Access classes on mobile, laptop, PC, and TV.

• Comprehensive Study Material – Get detailed PDFs, notes, and practice questions.

• Latest Exam Pattern Coverage – Stay updated with syllabus changes and exam trends.

• Personalized Mentorship – One-on-one expert guidance to boost your performance.


Start Your RPSC AE Success Journey with Zone Tech!

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