RSSB JE Electrical (B.Tech)

RSSB-JE : Go From Beginners to Expert

It includes Technical and Non Technical Online Classes
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RSSB JE Electrical (B.Tech)
What you'll learn
  • Include Tech/Non-Tech Online Classes  & PDF Study Material for Students.
  • Complete Coverage of Syllabus as per latest Examination pattern and trend.
  • Get 400+ Video Lectures of Online Classes Anytime from Anywhere at ZONE TECH APP.
  • Live / Online Test Series is Available at ZONE TECH OTS APP with up to 50% Discount 
Course Content
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: PMMC Type Instrument
play video Chapter 3: EDM Type Instrument
play video Chapter 4: M.I Type Instrument
play video Chapter 5: Energy And Power Measurement
play video Chapter 6: Energy Meter
play video Chapter 7: Rectifier Type Instrument
play video Chapter 8: Electrostatic Type Instrument
play video Chapter 9: CRO
play video Chapter 10: AC Bridge
play video Chapter 11: Measurement Of Resistance
play video Chapter 12: Transducer
play video Chapter 13: Instrument Transformer
play video Chapter 14: Error Analysis
play video Chapter 15: Unit And Dimension
play video Chapter 16: Miscellaneous
play video Chapter 1: Basic of Electric Circuit Theory
play video Chapter 2: Concept of Super Mesh & Super Nodal
play video Chapter 3: Network Theorem
play video Chapter 4: A.C Circuit
play video Chapter 5: Resonance
play video Chapter 6: Two Port Network
play video Chapter 7: Transient Analysis
play video Chapter 8: Magnetically Coupled Circuit
play video Chapter 9: Graph Theory
play video Chapter 1: Basic Principal Of Electrical Machine And Transformer
play video Chapter 2: Three Phase Induction Machine
play video Chapter 3: Single Phase Motors
play video Chapter 4: Synchronous Machine
play video Chapter 5: DC Mchine
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Power System.
play video Chapter 2: Generation of Electrical Energy.
play video Chapter 3: Economics and operating factor
play video Chapter 4: Transmission Line Parameters.
play video Chapter 5: Performance of Transmission Line.
play video Chapter 6: Supply System.
play video Chapter 7: Mechanical design of overhead lines.
play video Chapter 8: Distribution system.
play video Chapter 9: Switch gear and protection.
play video Chapter 10: Underground cable.
play video Chapter 11: Power System Stability.
play video Chapter 12: miscellaneous.
play video Chapter 1: Semiconductor Physics
play video Chapter 2: Semiconductor Diode & Application
play video Chapter 3: Transistor
play video Chapter 4: FET & MOSFET
play video Chapter 5: Oscillator
play video Chapter 6: Small Signal & large signal Amplifier and feedback amplifier
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Power Semiconductor Device
play video Chapter 3: Converter
play video Chapter 4: Chopper
play video Chapter 5: Cycloconverter
play video Chapter 6: AC Voltage Regulator
play video Chapter 1: Introduction of Control System
play video Chapter 2: Block Diagram Reduction Technique
play video Chapter 3: Signal Flow Graph
play video Chapter 4: Time Response Analysis
play video Chapter 5: Stability
play video Chapter 6: Root Locus Technique
play video Chapter 7: Frequency Response Analysis
play video Chapter 8: Bode Plot
play video Chapter 9: Polar Plot
play video Chapter 10: Nyquist Plot
play video Chapter 11: miscellaneous Topics
play video Chapter 1: illumination
play video Chapter 2: Source of light
play video Chapter 3: Electrolysis
play video Chapter 4: Cell and Battery
play video Chapter 5: Electric Traction
play video Chapter 6: Electric Heating
play video Chapter 1: Electrostatics
play video Chapter 2: Magnetostatics
play video Chapter 3: maxwell Equations
play video Chapter 4: Electromagnetic Wave
play video Chapter 5: Incidence of EM Wave
play video Chapter 1: Amplitude Modulation
play video Chapter 2: Frequency Modulation
play video Chapter 1: Introduction
play video Chapter 2: Polarization
play video Chapter 3: Dielectric loss
play video Chapter 1: Status and Expansion
play video Chapter 2: Main Physic Department - Desert region, Aravali mountain ragion, planes
play video Chapter 3: Climate
play video Chapter 4: soil
play video Chapter 5: Drainage system
play video Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation
play video Chapter 7: Forest and Wildlife Conservation
play video Chapter 8: Environmental and Ecological Issues
play video Chapter 9: Desertification
play video Chapter 1: Agro climatic and major crops
play video Chapter 2: Irrigaton Projects
play video Chapter 3: Water Conservation
play video Chapter 4: Rajasthan Minerals
play video Chapter 5: Transportation
play video Chapter 6: Livestock
play video Chapter 1: Important Forts
play video Chapter 2: Monuments & Structures, Key features of architecture
play video Chapter 3: Religious Movement of Rajasthan Folk god-goddess
play video Chapter 4: Mains Handicraft, painting, styles of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 5: Rajasthani language works of literature Major regional Languages
play video Chapter 6: Fair, festival,folk music, folk dance, musical instruments, jewelry
play video Chapter 7: Important Historic tourism Palace
play video Chapter 8: Rajasthani Culture, Tradition and Heritage
play video Chapter 1: Mains Prehistoric Civilizations of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 2: Major Dynasties and Their Accomplishments
play video Chapter 3: Princely states of Rajasthan and BritishTreaties, Mass movement of 1857
play video Chapter 4: Farmers and public Revolution movementn and the movement prjamandal
play video Chapter 5: Integral of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 6: Political Awareness of Rajasthan
play video Chapter 7: Mains Source & Main Personality of Rajasthan History
About Course
  • Go from ZERO to HERO Through 24*7 access to the Video lectures
  • Get Complete Access for Video Lectures of Tech & Non-Tech Anytime from Anywhere.
  • Get Subject E-Notes PDF along with Video lectures from your Dashboard.
  • Get Up to 50% Discount for Online Test Series to boost the Practice of your Exams.
  • After the Validity of This Course you can access free Online Lectures available at your Portal.
  • NOTE : NON-TECHNICAL Classes will be in HINDI language Only