Since all of us know the DMRC Exam Pattern as described above, you should start your preparation with following guided point of views. The following DMRC exam Preparation Tips for Multiple posts will help you boost-up your preparation.
Be Aware of the DMRC Exam Pattern in & Out!
Take note of the Negative Marking Scheme. There will be a negative marking of 0.33 marks for every mark. So, the trick is to know which question to skip. Doing a guess work can be dangerous after a certain limit Hence, answer only if you are sure that you are answering correctly.
Know the Previous Year’s DMRC Cut Off. Knowing the previous years’ cut off will help you analyse your current preparation level & how much more effort you need to put to reach the qualifying line.
Practice with DMRC online Test series provided by ZONE TECH. It is very important to practice the DMRC Online Mock Tests before appearing for the actual exam. This will give you the confidence while solving the actual paper.
SSC JE examination comprises only of multiple and simple numerical answer type questions, hence only correct answer gets marks.
Practice previous year question papers and analyses the weak topics and concentrate more on those topics. Candidates must try to solve the papers in a given time limit to obtain an idea as to how many questions are solved within the allotted time.
Impart more weight on theory problems.
Browse through the SSC JE syllabus for topics allotted more weight age and prepare them.
Group Study is an effective way to brush up knowledge about technical topics with fellow partners and also helps to explore new techniques and methods to better understand the topics.
Do not make wild guess as there is negative marking associated with the questions.
Prepare the list of important definitions, equations, derivations, theorems, laws in every subject.