RPSC AEn GWD Exam Scheme

RPSC Assistant Engineer in Ground Water Department (GWD-AEn) : Exam Scheme & Pattern

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RPSC AEn GWD Exam Scheme

RPSC Assistant Engineer in Ground Water Department (GWD-AEn) : Exam Scheme & Pattern

S. No.


No. of Questions

Total Marks

Examination Duration


General Knowledge of Rajasthan




2.30* Hours


Concerned Subject








1. The competitive examination shall carry 150 marks and 150 questions of Multiple Choice Type questions.

2. There shall be one paper. Duration of Paper will be Two hours and Thirty Minutes.

3. Each question has five options marked as 1,2,3,4,5. You have to darken only one circle (bubble) indicating the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN.

4. It is mandatory to fill one option for each question.

5. If you are not attempting a question then you have to darken the circle ‘5’. If none of the five circles is darkened, one third (1/3) part of the marks of question shall be deducted.

6. After solving question paper, candidate must ascertain that he/she has darkened one of the circles (bubbles) for each of the questions. *Extra time of 10 minutes beyond scheduled time, is provided for this.

7. A candidate who has not darkened any of the five circles in more than 10% questions shall be disqualified.

8. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one-third of the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.

(Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.)