RSPCB JEE & JSO Exam Pattern is described for recruitment of 2021. Each Question will carry 3 marks where as One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There will be sectional cut off for RSPCB JEE & JSO Exam.
For RSPCB JSO & JEE Exam will be objective type. The mode of paper become OFFLINE Mode i.e. OMR based pattern. There will be only one exam which consisting of 2 papers i.e. Environmental Science and General Knowledge with reference to Rajasthan general knowledge.
GK section of RSPCB JSO/JEE Exam will include questions with special reference to history, aft, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan, mathematics, reasoning & current affairs.
Part |
Subject |
Questions |
Marks |
Time |
Part A |
Environmental Science |
120 |
360 |
3 hours |
Part B |
General Knowledge |
30 |
90 |
Total |
150 |
450 |
RSPCB JEE & JSO Exam Pattern was different for recruitment of 2021. RSPCB JEE & JSo Exam pattern is changed In year 2023. Each Question will carry 3 marks where as One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There will be sectional cut off for RSPCB JEE & JSO Exam.
RSPCB JSO & JEE Exam will be objective type. The mode of paper become ONLINE Mode i.e. CBT based pattern. There will be only one exam which consisting of 2 papers i.e. Environmental Science and General Knowledge with reference to Rajasthan general knowledge. Part-A is Environmental Science which consist 60 Questions and Rajasthan General Knowledge paper consist total 15 number of Questions. Paper will be for 90 minutes which consist 225 marks.
GK section of RSPCB JSO/JEE Exam will include questions with special reference to history, aft, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan, mathematics, reasoning & current affairs.
Paper-Subject |
No. of Question |
Time |
Total Marks |
PART-A Environmental Science |
60 |
90 Minutes |
225 |
PART-B General Knowledge |
15 |
Note:- (1) Each question will carry 3 marks. |
(2) One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer |
(3) 40% shall be the pass marks. |