SSC JE Books


  • Junior Engineer (Civil  Engineering) - An Objective Practise Book

    Junior Engineer (Civil Engineering) - An Objective Practise Book

    This book Contains Total 4000 Objective Questions with their detail solution & Answer with their Well Explanations, Book is designed in Both English and Hindi Language
    Rs: 750 /-
    Rs: 750 /-
  • SSC-JE ( NON - Technical ) - An Practise Book

    SSC-JE ( NON - Technical ) - An Practise Book

    This Book is Designed for All India junior Engineer Examinations such as SSC-JE, DMRC-JE, UPPSC-JE, MP-JE Etc.
    Rs: 550 /-
    Rs: 350 /-
  • Junior Engineer (Mechanical Engg)  - An Objective Practise Book

    Junior Engineer (Mechanical Engg) - An Objective Practise Book

    This book Contains Total 2600+ Objective Questions with their detail solution & Answer with their Well Explanations, Book is designed in Both English and Hindi Language
    Rs: 550 /-
    Rs: 550 /-
  • Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg)  - An Objective Practise Book

    Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg) - An Objective Practise Book

    This book Contains Total 2500+ Objective Questions with their detail solution & Answer with their Well Explanations, Book is designed in Both English and Hindi Language
    Rs: 550 /-
    Rs: 350 /-

Zone Tech hereby presents the best SSC JE Books to give you the much needed competitive edge to crack the entrance. Here you can buy SSC JE book online for any specialization of your preference, whether it be Electrical Engineering, SSC JE Mechanical Engineering Book or Civil Engineering.

Buy SSC JE Books online from Amazon or Flipkart to get an additional discount through coupons. In addition to being affordable, these SSC JE books cover the entire syllabus in an easy-to-comprehend format, thus allowing the candidates to complete their revision fast, with in-depth understanding of the topics covered.

Each book contains a detailed description of the syllabus topics, followed by objective questions to help the students evaluate their understanding. The answer keys with proper explanations are given at the end of each section to help students check their performance.

There is also a new addition to this set of SSC JE books, which includes previous year solved papers for the last 8 years. It contains a set of total of 26 technical papers along with their solutions and detailed explanations.

These books are available in both Hindi and English languages in order to help the students grasp the technicality of the topics in the best possible manner.

Best books for SSC JE Mechanical Engineering Book. check it out at amazon.