What is the Salary of RPSC AEN Civil in Rajasthan ?

What is the Salary of RPSC AEN Civil in Rajasthan ?

The salary of RPSC (Rajasthan Public Service Commission) Assistant Engineers (AEN) for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering in Rajasthan varies based on the pay scale and allowances set by the state government. As of last update, the salary structure for RPSC AEN Civil, Mechanical, Electrical engineers in Rajasthan is as follows:


Pay Scale: The pay scale for RPSC AEN is typically in the range of Rs. 15,600 – Rs. 39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400.

In addition to the basic pay scale, AENs are entitled to various allowances such as :-

Dearness Allowance (DA),

House Rent Allowance (HRA),

Travel Allowance (TA),


Accidental Insurance,

Cash Medical Benefits and other benefits as per the rules and regulations of the Rajasthan government.

The exact salary may vary based on factors such as years of service, location of posting, and any revisions in pay scales or allowances by the government.

Please note that while the basic pay scale is typically the same across different engineering disciplines, the specific allowances and benefits may vary slightly.

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