RIICO General Instruction

RIICO Exam 2021 Instructions

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RIICO General Instruction

RIICO 2021 Examinations


1. There will be one paper of 3 hours duration comprising of Part I and Part II.

2. Question paper will be set in both languages i.e. English and Hindi (except Language Section). In case of any discrepancy in interpretation of questions, English version will be considered correct.

3. The Question papers shall comprise of multiple-choice questions.

4. Part-I consists of 60 questions. Each carries 3 marks.

5. Part-II consists of 90 questions. Each carries 3 marks.

6. There shall be one-third (1/3 i.e. 1 mark) negative marking for each wrong answer.

7. A Candidate has to score minimum qualifying marks (i.e. 40% i.e. 72 marks out of 180 marks) in Part-I. Merit, of the candidates who have qualified Part-I, shall be prepared on the basis of total marks obtained in Part-I & Part-II. In cases where there is a provision of proficiency 2 tests exist; final declaration of merit would include the total marks obtained in both written examination and proficiency test.

8. (A) The level of examination of Part I would be equivalent to that of the Senior Secondary Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan for post no. 1 (Dy. Manager (ID/Tech).

 (B) The level of examination of Part I would be equivalent to that of the Secondary Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan for post no. 2 to 10.

9. (A) The level of examination of Part II would be equivalent to Graduation/Post Graduation level course of University established by Law in India for post no. 1 to 7.

(B) The level of examination of Part II would be equivalent to Senior Secondary Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan for post no. 8 (Stenographer).

(C) The level of examination of Part-II for the post no. 9 would be equivalent to qualification prescribed for this post (Draughtsmancum-Tracer (Civil).

(D) The level of examination of Part II would be equivalent to Secondary Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan for post no. 10 (Junior Assistant