RPSC AEn Mains Syllabus - Mech : RPSC AE Mech (Mains) Syllabus

RPSC AEn Syllabus of papers for the Assistant Engineer

Combined Competitive Examination, 2024

Main Examination



Maximum Marks: 200

1. Theory of Machines:

Kinematic analysis of mechanisms, Instantaneous centre of rotation, straight line mechanisms, Steering mechanisms, Hooke's Joint, brakes and dynamometers, Cams, Governors, Gears and Gear trains, Flywheel and turning moment diagram, Friction, Clutches, Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses, Gyroscopic motion, Vibration analysis of free, damped and forced vibration of single degree of freedom, Vibration isolation and transmissivity.


2. Materials Science: 

Crystal structures, Space lattice, Miller indices, Crystal imperfections, Theory of work hardening and recrystallization, Concept of creep, Fatigue and fracture, Phase diagrams, Plain carbon steel, Alloy steels, Effect of alloying elements in steel, Heat treatment of steels, Cast Iron, Light metals and alloys, Powder metallurgy, Ceramics and composites, Plastic, Rubber and Polymers, Nano and Smart materials.


3. Machine Design: 

Manufacturing Considerations in Design, Factor of safety, Stress-strain relationship, Deflection in beams, Bending moment and shear force diagram, Columns and Struts, Eccentric loading, Endurance limit and its modification factor, Concept of fracture in ductile and brittle metals, Creep behaviour in metals, Design of levers, Beams, Shafts, Laminated and helical springs, Belt, Pulleys and Flywheel, Power screw, Gears, Brakes, Clutches, Bearings, Thin and thick pressure vessels.


4. Manufacturing Processes: 

Foundry technology, Joining processes viz. Arc & Gas welding, shielded metal arc welding, GTAW, GMAW, SAW, ESW, Resistance welding (spot, seam, projection, percussion, flash types), Thermit welding, Brazing and Soldering, Metal forming processes viz. Drawing, Extrusion, Forging and Rolling, Basic machine tools viz. Lathe, Shaper, Drilling, Milling, Grinder and Planer, Jigs & fixtures, Theory of metal cutting and cutting tools, Modern machining methods viz. Abrasive and Water jet, Ultrasonic, ECM, EDM, LBM, Plasma arc machining, Flexible manufacturing system, Robotics, Computer integrated manufacturing, Additive manufacturing processes.


5. Industrial Engineering: 

Type of business organizations, Principle and elements of Management, Management philosophies of Taylor, Gilbreth, Fayol and Mayo, Management structure, Authorities and responsibilities, Organizational charts, Span of control, Time & motion study, Quality control, Work sampling, Make and buy decision, Game theory, Single server queuing model, Plant layout and Plant location, Material handling, Production planning and control, Project management, PERT, CPM, Resource levelling & Smoothing, Material Management viz. ABC Analysis, Basic EOQ models, MRP-I, MRP-II, ERP, Introduction to linear programming problems and Graphical method to solve it, Primal to dual conversion of linear programming problems, Value analysis, Supply chain management, Lean management, Industry-4.0, Labour legislation, Industrial Relations.




Maximum Marks: 200



Thermodynamics: Basic concepts of thermodynamics, Properties of pure substances, First law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open systems, Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, Entropy, Second law analysis of engineering systems, Availability.

Gas Power Cycles: Air Standard Efficiency, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual Cycle, Brayton cycle with modifications, Ideal jet propulsion cycles.

Vapour Power Cycles: Carnot and Rankine cycles, Reheat and regenerative cycles, Reheat factor, Binary vapour power cycle, Combined gas-vapour power cycle.



Conduction: One- dimensional steady state heat conduction, Heat conduction through composite walls, Critical thickness of insulation, Heat transfer from finned surfaces, Fin efficiency and effectiveness.

Convection: Free and forced convection, Dimensional analysis, Heat transfer correlations, Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, Boundary layer equations and their solutions for flat plates and pipes.

Radiation: Planck's distribution law, Radiation properties, Kirchoff's law, Diffuse radiation, Lambert's law, Intensity of radiation, Heat exchange between two black surfaces, Heat exchange between gray surfaces, Radiation shielding, Electrical analogy,

Boiling and Condensation: Different regimes of boiling heat transfer, Correlations of boiling heat transfer, Heat transfer coefficient for laminar film condensation on flat plate, Drop wise condensation.

Heat Exchangers: Classification of heat exchangers, Logarithmic mean temperature difference and effectiveness for parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers, Correction factor and fouling factor, Heat exchanger design by LMTD and effectiveness NTU methods.



Fluid Mechanics: Fluids and their properties, Buoyancy and floatation, Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow, Dimensional analysis, Laminar and turbulent flows, Flow through pipes, Boundary layer.

Fluid Machines: Centrifugal pumps: Constructional details, Manometric and overall efficiencies, Hydraulic turbines: Impact of jets, Classification and constructional features of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines, Draft tubes, Cavitation, Specific speed, Velocity triangles, Efficiencies, Characteristic curves, Governing systems.




Refrigeration: Basic refrigeration and heat pump cycles, Air refrigeration system, Vapour compression refrigeration, Vapour absorption system, Refrigerants, Refrigeration Equipment viz. Compressor, Condenser, Evaporator, Expansion devices, Water vapour refrigeration system, Vortex tube refrigeration system, Thermo electric refrigeration system.

Air-conditioning: Psychrometric properties and processes, Human Comfort: Mechanism of body heat losses, Factors affecting human comfort, Effective temperature, Comfort chart, Cooling Load Estimation and Selection of air conditioning apparatus: Internal heat gain, System heat gain, RSHF, ERSHF, GSHF, Cooling and heating load estimation, Year round air conditioning.



Internal Combustion Engines: S.I. and C.I. engines, Combustion phenomenon, Combustion chambers, Fuel injection system, Supercharging, Performance parameters of I.C. engines, Engines emission and control.

Steam Turbines: Flow of steam through nozzles, Steam turbines, Velocity diagrams for impulse and reaction turbines, Degree of reaction, Compounding and Governing.

Gas Turbines: Centrifugal and axial flow compressors, Energy transfer equation, Velocity diagrams, Efficiency and performance of gas turbines, Multistage compression, Reheat and regeneration.

Steam Power Plants: High pressure steam boilers and accessories, plant layout, Fuel handling and firing, ash, smoke and dust removal, Fluidized bed combustion, Condensers, Heat balance sheet, Plant operation and maintenance, Thermal pollution and control.

Hydro-electric power plants: Selection of site, Different layouts, Efficiency and load curves, Hydrology, hydrological cycle and hydrograph, Control in hydro- electric plants, Economic loading of hydro-power plants.

Nuclear power plants: Nuclear reactions and fuels, Nuclear reactors, Nuclear power plant economics, Safety measures & site selection, Comparison of Nuclear, Steam and Hydroelectric plants, Modular nuclear power plants.

Power plant economics: Economic load sharing between base load and peak load plants, Typical load curves, Effect of variable load on power plant.